Brothers: February

Want beautiful family portraits? Learn how to use your camera in our free course!
In a few weeks, Jensen will reach the finale of his first year of school. Even though I’m a teacher myself, having my own children reach school age was quite a hullabaloo. You’d think I’d be more prepared -but I wasn’t. Like birthday cards and grocery shopping, I left school uniform shopping until the final couple of…
Sometimes, when you’re the biggest of the smallest, life can get a bit too heavy. Like when you’re trying to do serious drawing for your Granny and your little brother colours all over it. Or when you’re only allowed use glue and scissors during his naptime…or when your Momma spends all of her time saving…
Let me preface this review by confessing. I don’t like daily cosmetics or products on babies. I’ve used cotton wool and water on my babies’ bottoms from birth until they began to wean and needed something stronger. That’s not to say I haven’t used them. Most of the products on the market haven’t appealed to…
Postponed from January [what was I thinking?!], Spring photography places are now available. The courses will run from 16-17 April [weekend course], 18th, 19th, and 20th as day courses. All accommodation, food, instruction and props included – email me for more details, or click the photo above to take you to the PDF!
The peas are long gone, the beans are drying into seeds…and now the corn is shucked. Summer bowed out with its golden goodbye in our garden this weekend. She saved her best for last…and for Our Little Adventurer, all of the watering and waiting was worth it to crunch down on fresh, sweet, homegrown corn…
Aww! what a cute photo 🙂
Awww what a sweet and lovely photo =)
That is so sweet! You are blessed! Teresa from NanaHood
This is such a stunning photo! They look adorable! Right now, my daughter's reading a Series of Unfortunate Events.
Absolutely gorgeous. We are loving anything with Pirates at the moment. Jx
Lovely photo! We are reading anything to do with sharks and the moment. Mr 5 is obsessed with sharks and crocodiles!
Such a precious photo, your kids are darling!!
Happy Valentines!!!
Such an adorable capture – thanks for sharing! 🙂
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
I hope you're framing that pic…it's GORGEOUS!
They are all so cute and adorable, this is a great picture.
What sweet boys!
Thanks so much for linking up with Oh My Heartsie Girls! I hope we see you again this Wednesday 🙂