Words for Wednesday…

Want beautiful family portraits? Learn how to use your camera in our free course!
It’s National Anti-Bullying Week. When Jensen was a baby I was so sure [and so smug] that he wouldn’t be using computers or electronic devices – I was going to keep him away from the evils of the internet and he would only climb trees and hunt for bugs outdoors. As the mister is a…
Friday nights were grocery shopping nights when I was little, and as me and my sister clung to and swung from the side of the trolley much to my parents’ annoyance, I knew that as they wheeled us towards the car park, no matter how irritating we were, all of us would be eagerly anticipating…
Three weeks and he’s completed the year – his first year of formal education. It’s bittersweet – the sad part? He’s growing up. The happy part? A new milestone; the school photograph, and it’s gorgeously handsome. On a side note – £18 for a download? Really? I’m glad he’s smiling!
This is a little different to the posts I normally write, but hopefully it will help if you’re just bought your first DSLR and you’re completely confused, and thinking, “Which lens do I buy?” After being asked so many times which camera I use – which is exactly the question I was asking when I…