A Day Down On The Farm… Part I: Mitter Goats
Last week, Dadda decided to take two days off. He’s been very busy at work with the annual release of their product and things were so hectic that the days he had originally planned to take off ended up being casualties and our family plans were put on hold.
With a weather forecast stating that there was an 80% chance of rain, we dressed warm and headed out……..to find that it was warm and sunny in about 20 minutes of leaving the house.
Where did we go? The Farm. I love farms and this one is special. You can feed the animals! I knew Jensen would love it.
We paid our entrance fee, suncreamed ourselves and put Baby Dragon into the Boba. Armed with a little red bucket of food, we were off!
First stop were the goats. Keen, wiggly-tongued goats.
Jensen had never fed anything so keen and he wanted to know all about them.
Then he wanted to feed them, and they were very excited and tickly!
“Dey lub dat food, don’t dey? It deeericious for Mitter Goat. Him want more and more foods!”
The goats were all very pleased to see Jensen and his red bucket.
Our little adventurer got the hang of feeding the over-eager creatures by himself and was so proud
“I did feed dem and dey lubbed it. Dem goats want to eat all my foods! Dey is tikerwee (tickly) on my hands!”
Goats all fed, Dadda ran back to the car for the wipes (goats are not good for babies and we were worried for Baby Dragon) and we headed over to the tractors… (Coming Soon)