Welcome to my Father Christmas Herb Kitchen! I love plants, I love everything about them and although I’m hopeless at it, there’s nothing I like more than digging about with plants and flowers and seeds and bulbs. Food plants seem to like me – you know, the ones you can eat? I can grow those pretty well and we’ve had some amazing pea and corn crops over the years.
However, that being said….I’ve lost count of the times I’ve bought the little herb pots at the supermarket and just left them on the side after we’ve used them, and not taken care of them. Shameful, I know. This Christmas after realised I just actually *might* have too many mugs, and I remembered how cute the little succulents I put in my teacups last summer were [they died, they died! I felt awful.] I decided to use three of them that I adore, which are vintage father Christmas type numbers, but which are really hard to clean due to the insides being shaped like the outside and not like a regular cylindrical mug, if you get what I mean, and make something pretty for the kitchen windowsill.
Enter the Father Christmas Herb Kitchen! It took seconds to make each one. I bought a little herb pot for each – my three are a full complement of rosemary [for the roasts at Christmas], mint [because I love the smell of it and sometimes I pop some in my hot water drinks] and curry! The white rosemary looking one is curry and it smells divine. So this one is for turkey curry at Christmas – or any curry for that matter. I can’t believe it smells as good as it does.

All I needed to do was trim the top rim off the herb pots and drop them into the cups. That way they looked planted and the cups stayed much cleaner too, except for the excess water that drained through. I thought about giving these as teacher gifts too since we gave little orchids in pots last summer with their gifts but I couldn’t decide on a herb to give!

The plants are still alive too – I’m trying to find some Easter mugs now…then it will be Hallowe’en mugs [I can dream of keeping plants alive that long that aren’t orchids, can’t I?] I really need to learn how to take clippings.

I hope you enjoy your little herb collections are much as I do…and now I can justify more Christmas/Easter/Halloween mugs in my life… Hahaha.
This is so cool! Christmas seems a lifetime ago now!