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They just keep on growing, don’t they? Growing up means growing out of things – especially the big things in life that are important, like a car seat.
Hero grew out of his last car seat faster than I thought he would. I sat him in the next seat up – the one Lyoto had grown out of before him – and I hated it as much as when Lyoto sat in it. Forward facing, with a five point harness. It just felt so flimsy. My best friend is American and has the fortune to be able to choose from some amazing rear facing seats, but over here I was beginning to think I was doomed to the five point harness on weak feeling seats.
Then we tried Kiddy’s Phoenixfix Pro2 car seat. I’d seen photographs of all of their car seats, and chose this one because of the safety aspects.

Somehow I expected a seat very different to the one I received. I was so confused when it arrived and we took it out of the box, because I was so sure that parts were missing. There was no harness in the box. We were due to drive to the Midlands that evening, I was terrified that we were now stranded at home.
After panicking like only I know how, the mister read the instructions and calmed me down. There is no harness with the car seat, he said. To fit them in, all you do is seat your little one, slide the body shield into place and then take the seatbelt across, click in, then lace it back and secure it. It’s very simple. To release, you unbuckle the seatbelt and the shield swings free. Very simple.
I like simple. I like safe even more. The body shield keeps Hero snug and secure behind it – and now that he’s become accustomed to travelling in his new Kiddy seat, he likes having somewhere to use as a little drum or snack station as we’re driving. Hitting the shield top whilst they’re all singing along to their favourite song from Disney Pixar’s Frozen, he feels like a big boy – like his brothers.… “Stronger than one. Stronger than ten. Stronger than a hundred men, HA!”
To get into the seat, Hero’s bottom sits right at the back of the seat, and he raises his arms as we fit the shield. He loves his little routine and sitting in his “Hulk” seat [because of the colour] means he’s one of the big boys – and as it has a snooze position, it’s a perfect chair for travelling at night too.
My boys are always complaining that each other has a more comfy seat than the other and I see their point. The seats that they have are actually just plastic with a very thin layer of foamy fabric. The Phoenixfix Pro2 is fully padded cushioned and is so well thought out that it has side impact protection. The back even flexes to fit snugly against the car seat meaning no rocking when the car accelerates or brakes. Best of all, Hero never complains sitting in it – and the boys did the “comfy bum” test by each taking a turn in it and proclaiming it much nicer than their own, ha ha!

If you’re looking for the ultimate in car seat safety for your little one, you can read about why this is such a safe choice on the
Kiddy site. We’re so glad that we chose our Phoenixfix Pro2 – there’s no detail in terms of comfort and safety that has been overlooked in its design. It will grow with Hero until he’s four – and we can even take the car seat onto an airplane if we go overseas! I truly wish that we had discovered Kiddy when Jensen was born – I would have been much more relaxed taking him across the country in the car to visit my parents, and we wouldn’t have wasted hundreds of pounds on seats I didn’t like, didn’t feel confident buying, and ended up discarding anyway. We couldn’t recommend them more.
We received a car seat from Kiddy in return for our honest review.