Leprechaun Chocolate Buttons are easy, fast and lots of fun to make. I’m betting you already have the ingredients in your pantry or cupboard because there are only two of them really – chocolate, and whatever you want to put on them to decorate and make it Leprechaun like!
We try and celebrate with a St. Patrick’s Day party at home because the boys love the idea that a naughty little Leprechaun [ours is called Dublin, and he has an evil twin called Doubler] is sneaking about the house and causing some not-so-horrible chaos. Even if you don’t, these are great fun for after school snacks and playdates – and you can be as messy or controlled as you can bear. Haha. Me? I melt the chocolate and let them get on with it.
So here’s our little tutorial – enjoy!

We used a large family sized bar of Cadbury for ours, but the boys like to have their own sometimes if they’re after different types. Use your own judgement as to how many you want to make.

Melting chocolate can be a tricky one – so I have a tried and constantly tested method. I crack the chocolate into equal sized pieces and microwave for a minute on full power in a pyrex bowl. Then I take it out and stir the chunks for about two minutes to make sure they’ve melted as much as they were going to. Then I microwave again for another minute and repeat. Sometimes it needs an extra ten seconds at a time, but be careful as no one wants over microwaved chocolate. It’s horrible. White chocolate always takes less time to melt too, so stir for longer than you think you need to.

I cut the baking paper – or greaseproof paper – into squares of about 10cm squared. This serves two purposes. One, if I’m refrigerating the chocolate afterwards I can fit it into the nooks and crannies in my fridge instead of trying to find place for a large plank of chocolate, and secondly if the boys are spooning the buttons out by themselves, the paper serves as a size guide and stops everyone claiming that the other has had more chocolate. It happens. haha.

You can follow our St. Patrick’s Day celebrations over on Instagram or Keep Up With The Jones Family Facebook page for more ideas of how to have fun this year!
These look so delicious!
What a delicious and easy recipe. Perfect for a birthday party treat. Thank you.
These look great – my kids would love to make these!
Great idea these look like lots of fun
Those look good, they’re really activating my sweet tooth