We were sent lots of Moshi Monsters Egg Hunt Collectibles in return for this review.

There are no photos of the boys in this post because sadly, they were so poorly over this half term and their birthdays too that they mostly just slept and burned up, and smiled weakly at the Moshi Monsters Egg Hunt Collectibles in between crying for Calpol. Now they’re much better and very
So, in the post arrived a selection of boxes containing Moshi Monsters Egg Hunt toys. And can I say, hallelujah. If I could meet the people that decided on this new collection, I would shake their hand so hard – and I might even hug them. You see, the boys have American friends who each Easter [or Halloween, or Christmas, or indeed any given celebration throughout the year] are the lucky recipients of SEASONAL gifts from their parents. At Easter there are easter shaped chalks and rabbity shaped plates, Easter toys made specifically to celebrate with…and in England? Nothing. The most eggciting things [I can’t stop now] that we get are different made of chocolate. There’s very little for the non-chocolate eaters.
One year the Easter bunny filled the eggs with Lego Minifigures, and the boys loved it. This year, we have the Moshi Monsters eggs which you can see inthe photo below. There are singular packs, perfect for Easter Baskets, packs that can be shared and when you have a few to play with, there’s even a little party house to pop them in.
The house comes with a limited edition Moshi Monster called Blingo who seems, according to the boys, in charge of the disco in the house. There are reusable stickers [Lyoto was rejoicing] and a trapdoor for the Moshlings to get to the fun. The little egg swing at the side is very cute, and the boys spent quite a bit of time trying to catapult the Moshi Monsters from it to no avail. Haha.

The little figures are well detailed, especially those in the mystery eggs, and there’s such a wide range that there’s a monster for everyone. We decided to decorate Granny and Jensen’s birthday cakes with Moshi Monsters this year – I’ll add the photo to our Instagram stories this week] and everyone picked their favourite monster. I love toys like this that can be used over and over for different things.

The boys are enjoying popping the Moshi Monsters in and out of the eggs and playing memory games with them, and trying to remember all of the names – and I’m delighted they love them as I’ve bought a few more for Easter egg hunt time! I’m not sure how much play the playhouse will get because they tend to take their little Moshi Monsters off on adventures, but it makes a cute display on their shelf and gives a base to tidy them away next to.
What’s also brilliant about each pack is that it includes a code for a digital gift on the Moshi Monsters Egg Hunt app – I’ve kept ours secretly ready for Easter so it will give them something eggstra [I’m feeling quite hilarious now] to have fun with! Every pack has one, from the biggest to the single egg packs!

We loved our Moshi Monsters – we’re just sorry we didn’t have a smiling face to pop in the post as proof!