We hope your week has been exciting – and as always, if you’re on Instagram, we’d love to see what you’re up to! We’re Keep Up With The Jones Family, come and say hi!
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We hope your week has been exciting – and as always, if you’re on Instagram, we’d love to see what you’re up to! We’re Keep Up With The Jones Family, come and say hi!
It’s JULY. Household budgeting time. Half the year has gone, passed me by and I’m thinking that maybe I just slept from February to now. I vaguely recall promising myself that I would be more organised as a New Year’s resolution – meal plan, budget,… you know how it goes at ten minutes to midnight….
Sometimes it’s disheartening as a boy momma. It seems sometimes as though the only choices in the high street stores are drab, blue, and covered in trains and the like – and new season’s fashion is considered a new Spiderman pose on a T-shirt. Now, I’m all for superheroes but after purchasing the same set…
The Spiderman curse. He’s learning to write his name. He knows his colours, can say the alphabet, count over 20, count with one to one correspondence, add and subtract single digit numbers…and his vocabulary knocks me off my feet. He’s amazing, and he’s mine. He’s beautiful, and I love him so much it overwhelms my…
In an average week, on an average day, I wake up around 5am [thanks, boys], and walk backwards and forwards to school and pre-school every 2.5 hours. Add to this the time I spend getting them ready for school/preschool/changing nappies, fetching snacks, getting lunches, dinners, and following them around trying to contain the mess [and…
What’s for dinner? Well….It’s glaringly obvious from my recent receipts from ASDA and the Co-Op that when I don’t plan meals, I spend a fortune. I was going to say small fortune, but honestly, it’s a fortune. I hold my breath at the checkout and smile and say thank you whilst inside I’m crying and…
This 5 minute fun post is collaborative – we’ve been gifted a 6 month subscription to CBeebies magazine for our time. “Just give me five minutes!” It’s never 5 minute fun time – always five minute wait-for-mommy-to-finish-time. Generally because they never stop talking to me and so I barely get an opportunity to think clearly, or…
Oh man, your Instagram is to DIE for ????
Aw, thanks Beth! That’s so lovely of you!