Silent Sunday….
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Money is power – even to my three and five year olds. It holds the power to purchase and bestow trinkets on people they love and although they have no idea of the value of money, they do understand that grown ups have it, use it, and that having it yourself makes you feel very…
For no reason whatsoever today, I was thinking about jumpers. They’re warm, they’re snuggly, and if you take care of them well, they can last you a lifetime. Memories….and jumpers. Nothing holds memories so warm and dear to me as jumpers. You probably call them pullovers or sweaters or cardigans, but to me they…
After my workshop yesterday with Phillippa Stanton and her 5ftinf table, I got brave and produced my first ever story on Steller. In case you haven’t strayed from Instagram to Steller, you should. It’s so beautiful – collections of stories by people passionate about their world. It’s deeper than Instagram because these little booklets let…
It’s time to look back on what we’ve been up to this December and the snapshots that I’ve loved. It’s fun just to pull out the moments that wouldn’t normally make it onto the blog, but which are special little moments to me. The point of Snapshots and Scenes each month is for us all to…
Candles are a hot commodity in my family – my mom has always adored them, and now the love is spreading in my home too. Jensen and Lyoto recently accompanied me on a trip to begin my usual seasonal candle haul for Autumn cosiness and managed to entertain most of the staff in the store…
Since December when we left for Butlins under the grey cloud of the lurgy, Hero has been rolling in a new set of baby wheels. Hero is two and a half and will probably be my baby forever in my eyes – and so he has the luxury of his very own stroller still. It…