Back to School With Trutex Uniform
This post is a Trutex School Uniform Review. We were compensated for this post but our opinions are our own.

Trutex School Uniform Review
Hey, friends! So this year it’s all change for us. For the past 7 years we’ve been based on a campus which homes both the nursery, infant and junior schools for all three boys – but this year, for the first time in forever, each boy is at a different school. Infant, Junior, and….Senior school.

Buying a New Senior School Uniform
I’ll be honest and say it’s been terrifying for me. I sobbed on the last day of his year six school week, telling him how proud I was of him, and I held his hand tightly [along with a big IKEA box of flowers and gifts for the teachers] all the way on our last walk to school together, and when he came bursting out of the doors at 3.20pm, tie around his head like Rambo, shirt covered in signatures and yearbook in hand, I was snapping away and trying not to cry all over again. It’s been harder for me than I thought. They grow SO fast. Waaaah.

So, along with new school comes a new uniform – and a HUGE amount of it too. There are more PE uniform changes than I could ever have imagined and a colour of sock for about everything they do it seems. Nearly everything is emblazoned with the school logo and motto, and it’s all just so smart. Now, over the infant and junior school years I’ve bought many pairs of supermarket trousers and polo shirts. They’ve done the job and I haven’t lost sleep over the cost when they’ve come back from playtime at school covered in stains and rips, but I wouldn’t wear them to an office. They’re clothes that are ready for rough and tumble, paint and glitter. Senior school requires smart, and so I was very relieved when Trutex offered to lend a hand in clothing my new Senior school student, and asked for a Trutex School Uniform Review to see what we thought. We’ve worked with them before in 2015 for Trutex School Sportswear and so we knew we were in safe hands.

Trutex Plain School Uniform
Whilst we had to buy a lot [A LOT] of embroidered schoolwear from a specific supplier, which cost me more than I’d like to admit, there were items on our uniform list which thankfully were plain schoolwear. This is where Trutex excelled for us – they have a huge range of plain uniform available – and so the items which we chose were the grey v-neck jumpers, black blazers, white shirts and black contemporary trousers for our boys. When they arrived in a huge Trutex box, luckily he was about to have his film première day at school and so we dressed him up in his trousers and blazer as he stepped onto the red carpet in style, complete with Aviators. He looked like he had rented a tuxedo. So smart – and that’s not all we love about Trutex clothes. Yes, they’re smart, but they’re also comfortable – even in the blazing sun, he never complained about how they felt, and kept them on all day even though his friends were back in their home clothes as soon as the activities were over. He actually enjoyed wearing his new clothes and when I asked him to try them on again for the photos for this post, he was in them like a rat up a drainpipe [we use that analogy a lot because of our rats, haha] All that remains to be seen is how long and how well these new, beautiful clothes can last on each boy.

Trutex Contemporary Trousers for Boys
Although all of the clothes we were sent were very well received for our Trutex School Uniform Review, I have to mention the contemporary trousers particularly. They hang beautifully, the fabric is soft and weighty, and I can’t imagine he will ever want to wear any other kind. They feel expensive, have a fantastic cut and the creases I couldn’t have ironed better myself – and I learned to iron in the Army. The blazer sits well on him and is so well made – no snags in the stitching, everything just perfect and ready for a first day, and the days, weeks and months after. The whole ensemble feels like a true luxury brand. When he put his jumper on I was wondering if they made them in my size as even for a thin knit sweatshirt, there’s a real weight to it and it fits wonderfully. We are so impressed – and now I have less to worry about over the coming weeks as we countdown back to school.

Why Buy Trutex?
If you’re ready to buy your uniform, take a look at Trutex – they have over 150 years of experience, developing and supplying the highest quality schoolwear and earning themselves a solid reputation as the leading school clothes manufacturer and producer in the UK. Shopping online is so easy – and as well as free standard delivery, the returns are also free and so easy, which is a huge relief at the moment as we’re avoiding crowded areas like shops as much as we can.

So, thank you Trutex – we love your clothes, and I can’t wait to see all three of my boys, smart and ready for a new, hopefully happier school year.