When we were visiting Drayton Manor Park and Zoo last time, we were invited to visit the newly refurbished The Haunting attraction – and our boys, whilst quite terrified for the first five minutes, absolutely loved it.
If you enjoy a good scare and you’ve visiting the park, make sure you take a tour and see if you can find any evidence of paranormal activity, like Jensen did!
You can pop see a little video of our experience over on our YouTube channel!
Last week seems like a year ago already as my house is full once again of Chickenpox. Whereas this week I’m putting oats in bathtubs and letting the boys eat chocolate and cookie dough ice cream for dinner because of their sore little throats, last week I was sitting down for a gorgeous meal at…
Before I was struck with a case of the nasties, we managed to get some cousin time in at the Nature Centre in Birmingham. Sadly it really wasn’t all it used to be and so I’m putting every mother’s advice about when to speak into practice – but we did have fun seeing the lynx…
Last week, Dadda decided to take a day off so that we could have a trip out to our local (yet unvisited in the previous 10 years of us living here) wildlife centre. If we’re honest, we didn’t hold out much hope for it because most of the UK’s wildlife survives by secreting itself away…
As soon as I opened my eyes, I thanked my lucky stars that the weather was the complete opposite to Saturday’s complete washout of the Romsey Show. We were going’ huntin’ zebra [imagine that in an Elmer Fudd voice]. The Marwell Zoo Zany Zebra Trail has been on in Southampton and the zoo since mid July…
It’s nearly Whitsun and we’re about to pack our bags and head to Granny and Grandad’s house as the mister has been taken away to IBM land. The boys are excited to see their cousins and celebrate their youngest cousin’s birthday party – and they’re really looking forward to visiting Thomas the Tank Engine…
Looks like an ordinary tent, right? Wrong. This is the entrance to the best Christmas attraction I’ve found in the UK. Probably the most expensive per head (unless Harrods does something, I’ve never ventured there), but without a doubt the best by far in my experience…and believe me, I know how to do my research…