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Whenever there’s a problem, down Adventure Bay… Click here for our Toy Review Catalogue to read our reviews before you buy! It’s a tune I hear daily. Ryder and his team of pups, saving the day on Nick Jr. Our boys all love puzzles – Hero loves running off with pieces and Lyoto loves to…
We were compensated for reviewing the Schleich Dinosaur Cave DiNovember products, but all of our opinions are genuine. We want you to trust our reviews. If you think we’ve missed something, get in touch. This post contains affiliate links. Click here for our Toy Review Catalogue to read our reviews before you buy! It was…
It’s November. Which, according to my boys, means that it’s fair game to start decorating for Christmas, talking about Christmas and so I’m pretty sure that in Blogland, it’s safe to deck the virtual halls – or at least start getting the Christmas preparation posts out. This year we’re made a big bold move away…
Advertorial bought to you in association with Aptamil Growing Up milks Hero is 2 and a half and LOVES playdates. If I tell him that his friend Zaccy is coming over, he’s over the moon and asks me every two minutes if he’s here yet. I openly admit that I love playdate days too [and…
This week we’ve been on Summer holiday and playing with the Fuzzikins Campervan Carrycase. It’s a craft/toy playset for little people centred around the world of Fuzzikins, which remind me of larger, simpler Sylvanian Families from my childhood – except that you can colour them in yourself, designing your own characters. I wish I’d had…
Baby Hero has been desperate for his own set of wheels for quite some time – and when Christmas peeped over the family planner at us, we considered asking Father Christmas to bring him a bicycle of his own. After thinking it through, we realised that in reality we would then have three boys needing…
My son is a bit past this stage now, but this is an excellent post for younger ones. It would have been lovely to have so many new ideas at the time!
Ha, Piranhas Don't Eat Bananas looks and sounds hilarious!
We are into Peter the Green Pea eater and Super Potato at the moment
I love the sound of some of those books, Piranhas Don't Eat Bananas what a title! x