Flashback Friday…Baby Love
One year ago….
Momma needs time to slow down.
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This is a collaborative post with Nurofen for children FeverSmart Thermometer Zinc Number: UK/NfC/0918/0096 New parents have a huge, steep learning curve. There are classes for us to choose to learn all about pregnancy and labour…and then after your little one’s born, you’re suddenly handed your beautiful baby without a manual, to raise. Like, good…
The study of mathematics has the capacity to influence how we perceive the world. Year 2 is a critical turning point in early education where kids build the groundwork for their mathematical journey. What better resource than year 2 maths worksheets is there to spark their interest in mathematics and help them develop crucial skills?…
Here’s what we’ve been up to this week on Instagram! Not as busy as last week on our Instagram, but things should get busier this week because we’re all together for half term! Come and say hello if you’re an instagrammer! We’re Keep Up With The Jones Family – and soon we’re going to start featuring…
Baby of mine, you’re six months old. I’m not sure how that happened, how the hands of the clock turned so fast and transformed you from a helpless baby to a little person, ready to explore…and what you want to explore most of all, is food. I was really caught this time. Instead of being…
In a few weeks, Jensen will reach the finale of his first year of school. Even though I’m a teacher myself, having my own children reach school age was quite a hullabaloo. You’d think I’d be more prepared -but I wasn’t. Like birthday cards and grocery shopping, I left school uniform shopping until the final couple of…
I won’t tell you what Rhys Ifans said about Cloud Nine Marshmallows, but it was naughty – and when he said it, I knew I had to try them. For as long as I can remember, I have loved marshmallows. They remind me of rainy days and board games, crunchy leaves and bonfires, and snow-caked…
What a lovely photo! Great to meet you on Saturday 🙂
Oh my heavenly Father Sara-Jayne! This is just an adorably sweet photo ♥