Happy New Year! The boys forget many, many things but never what happens on New Year. It’s the tradition I manage to deliver on every year and I’ve no idea what made us start it in the first place, but this is the THIRD Jack Skellington Breakfast we’ve had in a row and the boys were bursting for it this year – so here it is. I hope you’ve had a great year and you rang in the year in style with bubbles – honestly, I spent it a little differently.
First, we have three boys and so we’re housebound as everyone else near us is out drinking. So I thought having a bubble bath would be a really lovely way for ME to ring in the New Year, being as I seem to manage to have a bath only when I’ve given birth and then I’m back to drippy showers from our ridiculously low pressure bathroom. I pull out my new Laura Ashley towels [hooray for the sale!] and the HUGE present bath bomb from Jens, and started to run the bath.
Three minutes later it’s clear that there is NO hot water and so back downstairs it is and we’re playing Overcooked 2 on the Switch until Jools Holland’s Hootenanny comes on [another tradition we’ve held for about the past 17 years] and MICHAEL BUBLE is on! So, I rang in the New Year with a can of Archers and Lemonade, smelly and with Hero snuggled on my lap whilst I listened to Jools and Bublé. Yotie was the first to drop whilst on the sofa, then Hero at around 11.30 and Jensen made it, for the second time ever. At midnight we sent texts to family and I crawled up to bed at around 1.30am. Happy New Year. Haha.

Anyhow, it was lovely and much better than last year when Grandad [my dad] was in
So here we are, 2019 and the THIRD ANNUAL JACK SKELLINGTON BREAKFAST. Here’s 2017 and 2016 for you! There are quite a few photos missing from those posts I now

This year I managed to find two new little Pop Vinyls to join the party – Harlequin Demon and Snowman Jack – in Forbidden Planet whilst Hero and I were on our Christmas shopping expedition in Southampton. I bought out everything from last year, and we were ship shape in about 20 minutes.

Three little Zeros were the first Pops to join the party when we started, along with three little black dessert plates from IKEA, three black tablemats and some black and white straws. Last year I bought back some HUGE white and sparkly twigs from the flower market and they’ve been the best investment in twigs I ever made.

Our Jack Skellington Breakfast generally features the same things – pancakes, bacon, and sweeties. The huge difference this year was that Yotie appears to have reduced the amount of squirty cream he likes on his pancakes – which is a shame as I bought three cans in M&S thinking he’d be using it like silly string again.
Oh – see that little green Oogie Boogie in the photo above? Jensen and I snook that through the checkout in a high pressured purchase [in case Gav caught us] in Disneyland Paris and he’s SO cute. I wish we’d gotten the whole set now. Haha. And speaking of Disneyland Paris, I’ve made another goal [everyone is talking about goals instead of resolutions this year] to get the posts up about that by the end of the month. I hope you enjoy them if you’re planning a trip there this summer like we did last year.

I asked for a lovely photo of Jens enjoying his meal as I decided to let them enjoy it in peace and film a little bit of them eating instead of poking my lens in their faces – and this is what I got. For when I look back in ten years, this is a Dab. I have no idea what it is, just that that they like to do it all of the time and it’s been going on over a full year now. Someone enlighten me. I get the Floss, I can *nearly* do the Floss, but this? I’ve not a clue.

Hero had the best time this year. Four years old and he’s in on all the action with the cheekiest little smile. I’m kind of sad he’s growing so fast – four years old is kind of like the gatepost, as soon as they hit four they’re off. Waaaah.

Two years ago we made these baubles with Sharpies – this is Grandad’s Sally bauble. Seeing the little drawings that they did of potato-like Jacks makes me smile so much. We didn’t make anything this year but we did create pancakes like the characters – at least I gave it a try. They weren’t impressed.

My boys.

So this is my pancake – I made Harlequin Demon, although they didn’t think it looked much like him.

This was Jack by Jensen.

Zero by Hero.

…and Yotie ate his before I got to it.

And after about an hour of pancake making and eating, we were done. Apparently I need to find more party people for the table for 2019’s event – but I can’t bring myself to buy a gross looking Oogie Boogie no matter how hard I try. Ewww.
Happy New Year 2019.
Love this Jack Skellington breakfast, some great ideas!
This looks great looks like a fun idea to try with my son xx
What a great idea , looks so much fun, I especially like the pancakes decorated as characters!
Love this it looks amazing!
Looks really good!