YouTube. For Jensen, it’ Flamingo. For Lyoto, DanTDM. But for Hero, it’s the Spy Ninjas. He is hooked. I’ve no idea how he found them, although his big brother attempts to take credit for that after watching Chad Wild Clay videos before the Spy Ninjas were “born”. Anyhow, there isn’t a day that goes by when Hero isn’t checking their channel to see if they have a new adventure uploaded, or pretending to be one around the house. Father Christmas bought him some Spy Ninja “merch” [thank heavens for a YouTuber who has managed to set up a global store so I don’t have to pay more in shipping than I do for the actual products] and this week he was very lucky to be gifted some more Spy Ninjas gadgets for him to put into action.
Who are the Spy Ninjas?
The Spy Ninjas YouTubers – five friends [Chad, Vy, Regina, Melvin and Daniel] Their adventures are wholesome, fun. and there’s definitely no content you wouldn’t want your children to see. Hero loves them – and here’s what they have to say for themselves on the site:
“We are the Spy Ninjas, a team of YouTubers on a mission to save the internet from Project Zorgo, an evil organization of hackers. By combining martial arts, stealth, detective work, and hacking, we work to uncover their nefarious plans and stop them from taking over YouTube, Roblox, and the rest of the internet. Our daily adventures, missions, games, and challenges are documented on our YouTube channels, with a new video every day of the week! Bravery, loyalty, and honesty are what we value most in our fight to keep the internet free from Project Zorgo.”

The New Recruit Mission Kit
Hero had made himself several Spy Ninja bits and pieces from cardboard, but now, here in the UK, we can have the real deal [which is a relief because my ninja merch making skills are limited]. For all of your budding Spy Ninjas out there, I give you…. The New Recruit Mission Kit!
It might look like a little box, but it’s full with essential Spy Ninja bits and pieces.
The Mission Kit includes:
- Secret Message Pen [invisible ink!]
- Ninja Noise Enhancer
- Decoder Wheel
- Codebreaking Guide Activity Book
- Evidence Detection Guide Activity Book
- Spy Ninjas Notebook
- Spy Ninja Membership ID Card
- Spy Ninja Certificate of Achievement
- Spy Ninjas Decoder Card, and more – everything you see in the photo below.

It’s a vital kit when it comes to stopping Project Zorgo in their tracks, and whether you’re a Chad Wild Clay, Vy Quaint, Daniel Gizmo, Melvin or Regina fan, it’s perfect for setting up your Spy Ninja HQ.

Just watch out for hackers. They get everywhere. They usually look like this though. Be aware. PZ Yotie managed to infiltrate for a while….

He was soon stopped though, with a tornado kick [Chad’s favourite]. PZ Yotie should be glad Hero doesn’t had Chad’s Nunchucks…

Being a Spy Ninja is a serious business. Good luck, new recruits!