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So, what’s been happening in the last seven days? I’ve skipped a few weeks whilst we migrated and I found my feet, and so here we are again, rounding up the week. Well, it’s summer apparently here in Hampshire and although we sadly aren’t going on holiday this year, it’s been an okay start to…
We’ve kept it under our hats (or rather, my coat) for quite a while but at last our secret is out… We’re pregnant! Our third, already very cherished, little one, due at the end of June, is an international traveller having been with us to Walt Disney World, Florida this Summer, and is treating me…
It’s no secret to my husband’s bank manager that I love the farmers’ markets. I’m in my element there ~ it’s a picture perfect ideal of country life for me and the biggest breath of fresh air that I can take when it comes to shopping. They rank right up there alongside the PYO farm…
We didn’t get to spend Christmas Day with my parents, but we did get to spend New Year’s Day with them – and in true English style, we loaded the bikes into the car and headed out for some New Year fresh air, when the skies opened. As cabin fever had firmly set in at…
In an average week, on an average day, I wake up around 5am [thanks, boys], and walk backwards and forwards to school and pre-school every 2.5 hours. Add to this the time I spend getting them ready for school/preschool/changing nappies, fetching snacks, getting lunches, dinners, and following them around trying to contain the mess [and…
I feel so grown up – I finally have a cheeseboard! I have to share it because it’s possibly the cutest, sweetest cheeseboard ever, from Treat Republic. The board is chunky, slides apart, and there are three cheese tools – I’ve no idea what their names are, but my nephew thought this was a secret…