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The weather perked up yesterday and I planned to take Jensen to the park, but sadly poor Lyoto was having problems with what I think was trapped wind, and he was plain exhausted from the night before with Jensen’s night time wakings and so he spent most of the day crying on and off and having cuddles so we stayed at home.

I decided it would be a good time to make some chocolate-dipped peeps.  Now, I saw these on Pinterest over Easter and they looked so good, and thanks to our lovely friend (and one of our amaaaaazing wedding photographers) Jensey Root, we had plenty of Peeps to dip!

Jensen is always keen to make things (especially messy things) and so we got prepared whilst little Lyoto had a swing in his lamby cradle.

First, some dark chocolate.  I prefer Cadbury’s Milk Chocolate (or even better, Terry’s Chocolate Orange) but sadly this was all we had in the house.  I also thought it would sit better with the sweet sugary peeps.

We selected some victims Peeps… (Thank you again, Jensey!)

…and we got the Peeparations going 😉 (Preparations, I was trying to be funny… *sigh*)

This morning Jo Jo the hide and seek rabbit got to join in.  This rabbit was a gift from Jensen’s Granny and he LOVES him ~ but only when he’s not hide and seeking.  And I understand why.  His voice is freaky. Scary. When he tells you he’s coming to get you it’s like a horror movie for toddlers. I wouldn’t want to be tracked down by this creature.  So he got to sit silently and observe.

I melted the chocolate in the microwave and poured it into what would be our Peep chocolate bath.  Jensen got ready and wore his Jake and the Neverland Pirates shirt ~ a shirt which was about to see much chocolate, I thought.  I was wrong.  I think I got more of it on me than he did. And I made no Peeps.

Jensen got very industrious with the Peeps. He even took to double dipping them which at first freaked me out because it wasn’t the “right” way to do it and then I managed to get a grip on myself and remember that he’s 2, not 12, and having messy fun.

Jensen did follow the instructions to the letter though.  No Peeps went on the table, or did anything they shouldn’t.  I was amazed and so proud.  How is he only two?

See?  Holding the Peep by the head, not just grabbing and walloping around.  He made sure he didn’t touch the chocolate part of the Peep.  I know I’m waxing lyrical about this, but seriously, I have taught children at age 7 who wouldn’t get this right.

I even managed to get a smile vaguely in my direction.

Where there was exposed chocolate, Jensen took to sprinkling them gently!

When one dozen Peeps were chocolate-dipped, Jensen did what needed to be done.  Finger licking.

I think he soon realised it wasn’t Cadbury’s.

We would have a photograph of the cute little Peeps to show you, but sadly, whilst we were out having fun the following day, a very naughty husky called Casanova decided to get into the pantry and counter surf for them.  He ate all but four of them, which he left strewn on the floor.  Jensen called him stupid.  I can’t say I blame him.

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