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Our Latest Fun Food

Back to School Rice Krispie Treats
Back to School Rice Krispie Treats – Icing topped Rice Krispie Bars that look like notebooks! Hey, friends! School is over for the summer now here in the UK and I am already thinking about all of the things I need to have done before school starts again! Uniforms, bags, lunchboxes, drink bottles, shoes, trainers,…
Our Latest Celebrations

How to Host a Gaming Party – Paw Patrol Adventure City Calls
We were compensated for playing the Paw Patrol Adventure City Calls Game by Outright Games. It’s no secret that we’re huge fans of Outright Games – we’ve played SO many of their games and we’ve always got our ear to the ground for the next new one. This week Hero became gaming champion of our…
Our Latest Seasonal Traditions

A Summer Garden Refresh with Very.co.uk
It’s hot and getting hotter here in the UK and whilst the boys can clearly see how lovely it is outside, it takes quite a bit of encouragement these days to remove them from their gaming stations and into the wide world outdoors. However, although they aren’t good at relaxing quietly, they do love a…
Our Latest Crafts

16 Craft Supplies You Should Always Have on Hand for Your Child’s Projects
As every parent knows, most young children have a knack for arts and crafts. However, parents should stop seeing these activities solely as a way to keep their children busy. Instead, they should recognize the benefits that arts and crafts can provide for their child’s development. Giving children free access to arts and crafts supplies…
Our Latest Disney

Sun Protection Must-Haves for Your Family Disney Holiday
Planning a family getaway to Disney promises to be an exciting adventure filled with magical andunforgettable memories. In our previous ultimate guide, we discussed aspects like logistics,ticketing, tips for picking the right resort, and more. However, there’s another aspect of your trip that needs equal attention – sun protection. A holidayat any of Disney’s resorts…
Our Latest Games and Toys

YouTube. For Jensen, it’ Flamingo. For Lyoto, DanTDM. But for Hero, it’s the Spy Ninjas. He is hooked. I’ve no idea how he found them, although his big brother attempts to take credit for that after watching Chad Wild Clay videos before the Spy Ninjas were “born”. Anyhow, there isn’t a day that goes by…
Our Latest Books and Magazines

The Adventures of Paddington Magazine
This post is a collaboration with The Adventures of Paddington Magazine Hey, friends! This week we were sent the cutest magazine – or comic as I used to call them when I was little, from Paddington Bear. He’s decided to publish his adventures on a monthly basis with Redan Publishing and Hero was very excited….
Our Latest Theme Parks and Attractions

Warwick Castle Knight’s Village
Hey, friends! If you love visiting castles like us, you’ll know how amazing Warwick Castle is. What you might not know though, is that tucked away inside Warwick Castle’s huge grounds lies the Warwick Castle Knight’s Village, where you can stay overnight and enjoy the castle’s attractions – whilst banqueting and having a few lessons…
Our Latest Travel

4 Beautiful Places to Visit in the UK
The UK is bursting with beauty and magic, making it quite challenging to choose where to go. The options are endless, from scenic postcard locations to architectural gems. You can also visit snug villages and tranquil beaches that soothe the soul. That’s the beauty of vacationing in this land; it caters to every taste and…